ATTENTION: If you’re blonde, dying to go blonde, or even just considering a hint of highlights or color. This is post is for you!!
What makes for a great salon? For some, it’s all about having a renowned stylist, for others it’s all about the head massage during a shampoo, for me it all boils down to the feeling I get leaving salon, when you walk out the door feeling really, really good about your hair.
6 months ago a bad highlight left my hair broken, frizzy and texture-less. It was one of those over-dramatic life experiences, similar to when I did’t make the cheer squad in 9th grade, you know. Regardless, I swore I’d never ever highlight my hair again… till I stopped by Blonde Faith Salon.
This is my hair. Frizzy, fluffy, and well, frizzy.
As soon as I stepped inside of Blonde Faith Salon, where the chandeliers sparkle, shelves are lined with the very best product, and super friendly stylists walk around beaming from ear to ear, I felt right at home.
I spoke with Karen Craig the owner and color expert and stylist Ally Feezel (renowned on Instagram for her amazing before and after highlights) and told them all about my hair concerns. They were both great listeners and knew exactly what to do. Ally even pulled up some pictures of people she had highlighted in the past to show me what she had in mind. She was right on target!
I am now and forever loyal to Ally Feezel and Blonde Faith Salon. Austin ladies, this is your new favorite spot.
Check out their website: Blonde Faith Salon
Hair color inspiration: Ally Feezel on Instagram
Check out their website: Blonde Faith Salon
Hair color inspiration: Ally Feezel on Instagram
Where do y’all get your hair color inspiration from?!