dani austin quarantine covid19 corona coronavirus home hobbies invest in yourself

We’ve all got a little extra time on our hands, and I have started twiddling my thumbs! I love a lazy day with Netflix as much as anyone else, but y’all – quarantine isn’t ending for a while, and I’m determined to start using my time a little more wisely. After all, there’s so much positivity to be found in all of this! When else are we going to have this much time to just invest in ourselves?! Here are some goals I wanna tackle!

1. Learn a New Language

Y’all know my mom speaks fluent Spanish, so I grew up understanding it pretty well, but as I’ve gotten older I lost so much of it. That makes me sad! So I’ve been trying to spend some time practicing. Not gonna lie – it’s not always my fave thing to do. Learning a language takes a lot of discipline! But it’s so worth it. Lucky for me, I can just call my mama to learn, but if that’s not your situation, Duolingo is amazing! Cassidy uses it regularly and it’s free!!

2. Challenge Your Body

Working from home means wayyy less movement than usual. Let’s get moving, ladies! Hype has been kicking my BOOTY every single day! Every day has a new 30 minute workout, so it’s honestly not even a big time commitment. If you can get up and do it before work, it’s the best way to start the day! My girl/coach Julie is offering a free 7 day trial right now, too! I talked about in depth here if you wanna learn more. I’m also loving going on a run around lunchtime to get out of the house. If you’ve been struggling to take care of your body, set some fitness goals and use this time to love yourself! Start small – anything is better than nothing!

3. Do the Thing You’ve Always Wanted to Do

You know what I’m talking about. Always wanted to learn an instrument? Dust off your guitar. Think hand lettering looks fun? Watch a Youtube video! Need something to do with your hands? Try needlepoint. You never know what could happen if you pursue your dreams, even the seemingly little ones. Plus, if you hate it, at least you can finally know that you tried!

4. Develop Your Faith

What a perfect time to spend time with the Lord. There’s so much to pray about, journal about, and read about, especially right now! I’m trying to spend at least a bit of every day in my Bible and journaling. I think God has a lot to say to us – and right now, we seriously have so much time given to us to just listen.

5. Grow a Garden

It feels so GOOD to grow something! Plus, right now, it’s so important to take any chance to get outside. If you have a backyard, why not plot a lil garden?! Such a good excuse to get fresh air every day, and something to invest in and keep you motivated (and would be especially good if you have kiddos, too!). We don’t really have that space, so I’m trying to grow a few plants inside (honestly, just trying not to kill them lol).

6. Read a Book

I’m glued to my phone even more than usual these days, and I have to really intentionally decide to stop scrolling and pick up a book! If I can help it, I’m trying to stop being on my phone (for the most part at least… y’all know I’m always updating my stories haha!) in the evenings. I love a good mystery, but Jordan’s more into self-improvement books! If you have a stack you’ve been meaning to get to, there’s no better time. Educating ourselves is such an important thing to invest in.

7. Keep it Clean

Environment is so influential – I get pretty stressed when our home’s a mess. I often don’t even realize it until I start cleaning and feel so much better! Tackle your closet – your cabinets – your makeup storage – whatever needs a cleanout. If it can go to Goodwill, say goodbye. It feels SO good to let stuff go.

How are you using this time to invest in yourself??